We're proud to annouce a little contest where you can win TrackMania² Stadium keys!
All you need to do is to like HuntMania on Facebook and comment "www.HuntMania.net" in the comments of this post on Facebook.
The reason for the contest is cause we're moving our events over from TrackMania Forever to TrackMania² Stadium, so Nadeo wanna support us by giving away 5 TrackMania² Stadium keys. Players which have enjoyed our events in TrackMania Forever can also enjoy them in TrackMania² Stadium by winning a key from this contest.
If you don't want to wait or you want to test out the game you can do it by downloading the game from ManiaPlanet.
Deadline to join the contest is April 16th.
So you wanna win a TrackMania² Stadium Key?
If you already have the game you can still join the contest and give it to a friend that doesn't have it!
2016-04-02 19:28:14