Weekly Short Hunt - Season 1


Map style & length VeryShort Tech, 13-16 sec
Total length 5 weeks

Event Dates

Whole event 14th of March, 2015 | 4:00 pm CEST -
18th of April, 2015 | 4:00 pm CEST

Season 1 was hosted on TMX. People had to upload their times on the map and the top 10 people got points. There was 150 downloads each week on the map that was active. In season 1 there was only a solocontest.

There was no real battle for the 1st place. Cobess won 4 out of 5 maps and was the clear winner. The battle for 2nd place was closer. Wagentje and Skillet had a nice fight which Wagentje won. CvRk and Cocktail.afc was the only two who managed to get top 10 on all maps.

So as a first season this was a success. Alot of people joined even though we didnt put much effort into getting the message out there. The players shared it withother and made it a nice and fun first season.

Top 10

1. cobess 24 points
2. Wagentje 16 points
3. Skillet:) 13 points
4. d.Logix 10 points
5. CvRk 8 points
6. Cocktail.afc 8 points
7. Rh Pato7forever! 6 points
8. Cla~ 6 points
9. vsp.Teebs 4 points
10. Hyker ///HOT 3 points


Pointsystem (each week/map):
1.place: 6 points 
2.place: 4 points 
3.place: 3 points 
4-6.place: 2 points
7-10.place: 1 point
- If two or more people have the same time, they will get the same amount of points. If you have the same time as the 10.place, you will not get a point. 

Id Name Tag Leader Players Registration Date

Coming soon! ;-)